
E2A 071: Chantal Landreville with a guide to finding love for entrepreneurs 

 February 13, 2024

By  Scott A. MacMillan

In this episode of The Entrepreneur to Author Podcast, your host Scott MacMillan speaks with Chantal Landreville, a certified love and relationship coach and author of the upcoming book "Raise Your Love Signal."

With over two decades of experience in personal growth, Chantal shares her journey from the wine business to coaching, emphasizing her passion for human connection and her mission to guide individuals towards authentic and lasting love.

Scott and Chantal talk about her writing process, the importance of structure and discipline and the significance of finding the right publishing partner. Chantal also provides valuable advice for busy entrepreneurs, stressing the need for intentional investment in relationships and smart filtering in dating.

Throughout the episode, Chantal's warmth and expertise shine through, offering listeners a glimpse into her transformative coaching approach and the wisdom she shares in her upcoming book.


Chantal Landreville is a Certified Love & Relationship Coach, author, speaker and Human Connector with over two decades of experience in personal growth. Her mission is to help individuals discover the path to authentic and lasting love. She is dedicated to empowering the with the knowledge and tools required to create healthy, fulfilling relationships.


Free Communications masterclass; raiseyourlovesignal.com/free-masterclass/
Work with me; services raiseyourlovesignal.com/work-with-me/
Let's Wine about Love events -raiseyourlovesignal.com/lets-wine-about-love/

Key Person of Influence (KPI) - keypersonofinfluence.com


Email: contact@raiseyourlovesignal.com

Book Website: raiseyourlovesignal.com/book-landing-page/

Website: raiseyourlovesignal.com

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chantal-landreville-74358910/

Instagram: instagram.com/chantal.landreville

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Youtube: youtube.com/@chantallandrevilleryls

TikTok: tiktok.com/@chantalryls



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Episode Transcript

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Scott MacMillan

You're listening to the Entrepreneur to Author podcast.


Welcome to the Entrepreneur to Author podcast, the podcast that brings you practical strategies for building authority and growing your business. And now, here's your host, Scott MacMillan.


Today I'm speaking with Chantal Landreville. Chantal is a certified love and relationship coach, speaker, and human connector with over two decades of experience in personal growth. And she's the author of the upcoming book, Raise Your Love Signal: a guide to attracting and keeping the love of your life. Her mission is to help individuals discover the path to authentic and lasting love.

She's dedicated to empowering people with the knowledge and tools required to create healthy, fulfilling relationships. Chantel, thanks so much for joining us today on the Entrepreneur to Author podcast.

Chantal Landreville

Thank you for having me. I'm honored to be here. It's such a treat.


Oh, wonderful. Well, listen, I shared a little bit about you in the intro, but it would be really helpful if you could share a little bit more, provide a bit more detail about your experience and the work that you do.


Well, as you said it, I'm a love and relationship coach and took on this hat officially full-time last April. So, it's a business I founded three years ago. And I think it's important to say that through my journey of getting here is that I used to work in the wine business for 20 years. I was actually always in sales.

So being in sales, you're...if you have good listening skills, which I do, I thrive on that. I naturally always became this confidant or therapist without even realizing I was actually doing, because when you do listen and you're curious about people, people will actually really vomit their lives to you. It's crazy. (laughs)

So, as you said in the intro, human connector, everything that has to do with human behavioral has always been fascinating to me. So, I was a massive, massive consumer of personal development. And through over the last 20 years, as I was having these conversations with my different clients worldwide, because I was doing exports internationally for the company, I got to hear it all.

And I was applying everything I was learning and I could see how the advice I would share or the knowledge and the wisdom that I have accumulated will make a difference. So, when I finally found my life partner that I talk about obviously in the book, I realized that thank God I had learned everything I had over the last few years and worked on myself because it's one thing to attract the right partner in life, but it's a whole other thing being in relationship. And I came to realize as I was doing all the research to write the book that these are things that we have never been taught. We've never been taught anything about what really love is and especially not how to be in relationship. So, I've made it my mission to change that. (laughs)


That's wonderful. And you mentioned the book. So we're recording this nearing the end of January. And your new book, Raise Your Love Signal, will be published in a couple of weeks, or a few weeks, I guess, on Valentine's Day. Could you share a little bit about it? Who's it written for? And what's your goal for your reader?


Good question. So, what's it written for? It's a guide. And I love to say that it's a guide because we have such short attention span today. So, I wanted to make a book that was easy to read, easy to reread and easier for people to go reference to again, because it's fairly easy to read stuff or learn things and we fall off the boat, so, we always need a few reminders. So, that's why I wanted to create the kind of book that I did.

And it's basically the best of everything I've learned over the last 20 years and the hundreds of thousands of dollars it costs me with the numerous conferences, speakers, you know, retreats, events that I experienced myself. I have made this book mainly for women. It's addressed to women in the book, but I would say that 80% of the content is applicable to men and women.

I do believe that it's for women that are...35…38 and over only because sometimes you need to have certain life experience to understand and process what I talk about in the book. But it's definitely, you know, anybody can read and get something out of it.

Does that answer all the questions?


Yeah, and what I really love is how specific you are about your intended reader and acknowledging the fact that many, many people will get benefit from reading the book, but you're really focusing your attention on a specific, what I call an ideal reader profile. And that's so important because it really allows you to tell the stories, use the examples, use the language that resonates with that ideal reader.


So, could you talk a little bit more about the writing process? How did you find writing the book?


Oh, well, I was lucky because you and I, Scott, were both part of KPI, which is a entrepreneurship program that I took. And they were the catalyst of how I decided to write this book.

I started writing years ago. I've always wanted to write a book, but I had no structure to it. So the program or the course that we took with the writing really helped me define and give me the tools on how to do it.

So, the one thing, the one tool that I learned was how to do those cue cards. I don't know if you remember those.


Yeah, I know what you're talking about.


And that made a huge difference because I literally built myself, you know, a wall of all the topics that I wanted to talk about. I identified the hundred problems that my ideal reader needed to solve. And through that, that's where a lot of the content came over.

So, every time I'd pass by that wall, you know, I'd say, oh, I have this, I have that, and then that just facilitated the whole writing process so much quicker because you had all the information. So, it was just like, how can I put it into actual text and make it come all together?

So, the writing process for the first six months was fairly easy. It was very disciplined. You know, one of the things that they pushed us to do was to make time every single day to write and I was in that discipline for about six months. Then I fell off the boat. (laugs)

But I had written 75…80% of the book at this point and I couldn't figure out how to bring the ending together. So, I did leave it for probably another five to six months and I picked it up again last winter while I was away in the tropical sun, which I think nature helped me and I finished it off very, very quickly.

So, I think that sometimes we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to get it done. But I would say when I look back now, I needed those five, six months to understand how to properly bring the ending of the book and make it all come together. So, it's been, it's been quite the birthing process, I have to say. (laughs)


And the tropics are an excellent place to finish a book.


Yes, it sure is.


I can't think of a better environment for that. And yes, shout out to KPI program, the Key Person of Influence program by Dent Global, friends of the podcast for sure.




And maybe what we'll do is put a link to that program in the show notes, because I think a lot of our listeners would really benefit from what Dent Global has put together.




...and they're operating worldwide. Perhaps talk to us about the publishing process. You know, that's another stage after the writing process. What did you find perhaps most interesting or most surprising about getting the book published after you'd written the manuscript?


It's a lot of work. It’s a lot of work, it's a full time job. Um, and there's a lot of competition out there and it's hard. Like I, I had never… literally, I could write a book now about, you know, publishing for dummies kind of thing. Um, I took for granted the whole publishing era because it's not what it used to be 20, 30 years ago and, uh, there's definitely a lot of different options that you can do, getting published, self-publishing, a mix of both. So, I did my due diligence and did my research and I'm happy I did what I did because it showed me the bigger picture of, you know, what is possible, how important it is to work with people that you fit with. Thank God I found you, Scott.




But I would say…and I would suggest to anybody that's doing it, do your due diligence. You know, I did a lot of interviews. I wanted to know what they were looking for, what I needed and how, if the fit was actually great and you know, funny enough, Scott and I had a chance to meet by fluke, at a KPI event, and I loved your energy right away and I was like, it's too bad I had just literally…I thought I had found my, my partner for publishing and it didn't end up working out. And Scott came to the rescue…Um, when I, when that didn't work out, I called him up. “Scott, I need your help!”

And, you know, I have to say, I'm very, very grateful because you stepped up to the plate, um, and were so proactive about my needs and making sure that I could hit the deadline that was very important to me, which was February 14th. And I think a good partner, uh, when you're talking about publishing your book, which is my baby and a book about love,

was massively important for me to have someone that had the vision as much as I had it. So yes, that's something that I've learned about publishing. And you literally have to be involved every step of the way. The support system with a good publisher has made a huge difference. I could have not done this on my own for one second. Yeah, so thank you.


Oh, wonderful. And thank you for sharing that. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with you on this book, and I’m really excited it to hit the market as well and all of the people that it’s going to help. But also, how it’s going to help your business too. So, as entrepreneurs, we’re often writing a book to help our readers, but also to communicate our message out to the market and help us, you know, establish our credibility as experts in our field and grow our business. What are your business goals for your book and how do you envision using it to support your business?


Oh, such a great question. And you've been a huge eye-opener with your wisdom and information to help me do that.

I think that when we put out a book, it's easy. You know, you've worked on it for such a long time. And then when it's out, you're like, oh, so when I reread it, I was like, wow, there's a lot of great tools just in this one book. So, I need to apply this.

So, for me, I wanted to do, well, my plan is to do a lot more speaking engagement. So, it's something that I want to use as a business card to give away to my clients. It's something that when I do my corporate events called Let's Wine About Love, that I can also share and pass on to potential clients so they can get to know me and read about the knowledge that I have…I do believe that sometimes people need to feel or discover you who you are and get to know who you are to pass on to the coaching process.

So, for me, this is like marketing cards, a “get to know me” card. So much more than just an actual business card. And I'm hoping that my goal is that when somebody reads it says, I need to pass this book on to somebody else because as I mentioned earlier, you know, we've never been taught anything about love and being in relationship and I truly feel that we can all benefit from it. It doesn't matter where you are in your love journey. I cover a lot of different tools in the book that can help people whether you're in relationship or not.

So, my goal is to make sure that it hits as many humans as possible so we can all, you know, be a little bit more…what's the words? Hmmm…have grace in relationships and not just in romantic relationships…as corny as that sounds. (laughs)


Yeah, so important, so important, and so missing often these days.

One thing that struck me when we first started chatting about your book was how aware you were and how proactive you were in the publicity piece of launching your book. You'd already engaged a publicity team for PR.

Can you talk a little bit about your book launch and what do you and your publicity team have planned for that?


So, a little bit like I did for the whole publishing process, I did my due diligence to find the right partner for PR, because there's a lot of people out there like any service that can sell something and there's no guarantee or return or ROI as I like to say. And for me, it was important to find the person or the people that had the vision exactly like you did. You could see and feel the vision that I had you know, it's not just another project. It's like, we feel this, we want to do this. So, I did my due diligence. I interviewed, I asked, I…wow…I went through my network of people. And this makes a big difference. Ask around your network because I ended up finding people through other people, through other people that I would have never found in the general, you know, Google search engine.

So, what we have done so far is that we obviously have a massive book launch plan on February 14th because it's Valentine's Day. We have decided to do a Valentine's Day party because what are we going to do on Valentine's Day anyway? Whether you're single or in a relationship, we're not going to go out to a busy, expensive restaurant. Why not all come together and celebrate the day of love amongst friends, family, and strangers? You never know who you can meet.

So that's being finalized right now. We're gonna do tons of activations for people to have intentional conversation because that is a huge part of what I talk about in the book is getting more intentional, getting a little deeper. We've never craved more deep, meaningful human connections, but at the same time, there's a disconnect with how people go about wanting to connect in human connection. So that's…that's a big part of the official book launch.

And the PR firm has been really, really great at getting me some articles and some TV segments that are coming up. So, I'm very, very excited about that. And I would say that for anybody launching a book that wants to get the message out, it's definitely been a plus to have them. I'm happy I did what I did because there's a lot of things that I couldn't have probably done on my own,  and anybody that talks about your book at any given time is a plus.


Yeah, you're absolutely right. And my observation on PR and publicity, I have a few observations. One, like you say, it's a lot of work. And there are certain elements that I think as individuals we could do, it's just a volume. And when you've got people who that's their expertise, that's what they do every single day, they're just able to do it so much more efficiently and effectively. And the other thing that I'd say, because a lot of publishers claim to also do book marketing, and not to say that it's not possible that publishers can handle that as well, but it's such a very different skill set. And at Grammar Factory, I've held back from offering those services because the team that's involved is just such a different personality, right? An editor is somebody who goes away and thinks really deeply about something and iterates on it until it's golden.

Whereas, you know, people who are out pitching media and doing publicity, it's a very outward, high intensity type of activity. And so, the type of people that are good at those two things are very different. And so, as a publisher, it's almost an entirely new business. And if we were to launch into that, it would be like launching a brand new business that's under the same umbrella. So, my advice to people is, you know, look for best in breed when you're looking for people to handle the book publicity and promotion and PR aspect of things.

 Um, even if, even if your publisher says that they do that, dive in deep and understand who's doing it, what's their experience doing it and make sure that they've got the, uh, the chops to do it well. So anyway, so sorry for that rant, but that's an important piece.


No, but I totally agree with you. I totally agree with you. And the one thing I'll add to that is that in any business, it's all about relationships, right?

So, the PR set of things…and I love that you said that it's a different boat. And it's true because you want to make sure that these people have relationships with media, with press, with influencers. So, I've seen how, you know, it's, hey, you know, I got this. Can you do me a favor? I'm sure you see this in your business. I used to see it in the wine business. People will support you because of the relationship. So, make sure that you have someone that has the proper relationships into that field of PR. I just wanted to add that, sorry.


Absolutely, I appreciate that. So, our audience for this podcast is made up of entrepreneurs and business owners, often very busy people. Some of them are in a relationship, some of them aren't. Some of them may be also in need not just of advice for how to write their book, but also about how to find and keep loving their life. So,   as we approach Valentine's Day, what advice can you share with them?


Read the book. (laughs)


Read that book, yes.


No, seriously. I would say depending on where you are in your love journey, especially if you're a busy entrepreneur, I hear this all the time because it's actually one of my niche clients, Type A, high achiever…basically myself…so, I know what it feels like. And the one thing I often hear is I don't have time. I don't have time. And it kind of hurts me to, when I hear that, because at the end of the day, you need to make time. And one of the things that I've noticed that's an error, as I was just explaining about, you know, wanting deep human connections, but there's a lack of disconnection is because people are afraid to invest their time.

 So, think quality, not quantity, get smarter on how you filter before you actually give your time to someone to go out on an actual date. You know, I hear this all the time when people are on dating, it’s very frustrating. They don't take the time to proper filter, read the profile, have a call, ideally a video call with someone before you actually go out and give an hour of your time because that's where we get dating burnout, disappointment, “I shouldn't have given my time”, “what a waste of my time”…and that's putting out bad energy. It's negative. So seeing it more as fun, but just...just get smarter about it. There's a way of being a little bit more intentional about it, especially if you're single going into Valentine's Day. I would say.


Excellent. That's really good advice and a good taste of what to expect in the book. So, Chantel, how can people get in touch with you to learn more about what you do and potentially get some help in this area?


Yes. Thank you, Scott. So my website, www.raiseyourlovesignal.com and on social media, I am on LinkedIn, I am on Facebook, but the platform I am definitely more active on and that you can definitely see me in action is Instagram. So it's my full name, chantal.landreville.


Very good, and we're gonna put those links in the show notes so that it's very easy for people to find. So, thank you so much for joining us today, Chantal. Your insights about love and relationships are very timely and helpful, as is your writing and publishing experience. And I'm really grateful that you were willing to both share both of those with me and with our audience. So, thank you again for being here.


Thank you so much. And thank you for being such a great partner. Grammar Factory rocks. Ha ha ha.



As we wrap up this episode of Entrepreneur to Author, remember this, now is the time, time to write, time to publish, and time to grow. I'm Scott McMillan. Until next time.

Scott A. MacMillan

Scott A. MacMillan is a speaker, international best-selling author, entrepreneur, and the President and Executive Publisher at Grammar Factory Publishing. He and his team help expert entrepreneurs write and publish books that build their authority and grow their business.

Scott A. MacMillan Signature

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